Seeking Micro Efficiency

2 min readJan 4, 2023


I can’t think of a profession or passion that can be divided into tiny little chunks of commitment throughout the day (at the very most perhaps being an influencer qualifies). Which leaves us with the fact that the vast majority can only work on something they care about if they can set aside several hours for the target task.

Which leaves us with with lots and lots of tiny chunks of time throughout the day which are essentially wasted. And this bothers me a lot. A LOT.

Every time I have such a chunk of time, say up to 30 minutes my head starts to rattle with what to do with that time, how to use it effectively, how to make something of it. Said chunks add up to a lot throughout the day. A lot of time that could be put to good use to advance you. The best thing I can think of is to read a book on your phone but every other task that comes to mind requires a more fluid time horizon to allow thoughts to flow freely.

The other best thing I can think of is to have your own business of some sort and take care of your customers and sales when you have a micro time chunk (term trademark pending lel).

